Luke 9:1-61 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. 3 And he said to them, "Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics. 4 And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. 5 And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them." 6 And they departed and went through the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.
Meditation: What kind of power and authority does God want
you to exercise in your personal life and service? God's word has
power to change and transform our lives. Jesus gave his apostles
both power and authority to speak and to act in his name - to cast
out evil spirits, to heal, and to speak the word of God. When
Jesus spoke of power and authority he did something unheard of. He
wed power and authority with love and humility. The world and the flesh seek power for selfish
gain. Jesus teaches us to use it for the good of our neighbor.
God gives power and strength to those who rely on him alone
Why does Jesus tell the apostles to travel light with little or no provision? Poverty of spirit frees us
from greed and preoccupation with possessions and makes ample room
for God's provision. The Lord wants his disciples to be dependent
on him and not on themselves. He wills to work in and through each
of us for his glory. Are you ready to handle the power and
authority which God wishes you to exercise on his behalf? The Lord
entrusts us with his gifts and talents. Are you eager to place
yourself at his service, to do whatever he bids you, and to
witness his truth and saving power to whomever he sends you?
Lord Jesus, make me a channel of your grace and healing love that others may find life and freedom in you. Free me from all other attachments that I may joyfully pursue the things of your heavenly kingdom. May I witness to others the joy of the Gospel both in word and deed.
Psalm 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163
29 Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me thy law!
72 The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is firmly fixed in the heavens.
101 I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep thy word.
104 Through thy precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.
163 I hate and abhor falsehood, but I love thy law.
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Jesus gave power and authority to his apostles, by Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD)
"The grace bestowed upon the holy apostles is worthy of all
admiration. But the bountifulness of the Giver surpasses all
praise and admiration. He gives them, as I said, his own glory.
They receive authority over the evil spirits. They reduce to
nothing the pride of the devil that was so highly exalted and
arrogant. They render ineffectual the demon's wickedness. By the
might and efficacy of the Holy Spirit, burning them as if they
were on fire, they make the devil come forth with groans and
weeping from those whom he had possessed... He glorified his
disciples, therefore, by giving them authority and power over the
evil spirits and over sicknesses. Did he honor them without reason
and make them famous without any logical cause? How can this be
true? It was necessary, most necessary, that they should be able
to work miracles, having been publicly appointed ministers of
sacred proclamations. By means of their works, they then could
convince men that they were the ministers of God and mediators of
all beneath the heaven. The apostles then could invite them all to
reconciliation and justification by faith and point out the way of
salvation and of life that is this justification." (excerpt